Full of Joy Friday | Last Day of May!

Did this week fly by for you? It definitely did for me! Actually, the entire month has flown by now that I’m realizing that today is the last day of the month. Tomorrow is June 1st!

I’m back for the second Friday in a row (woohoo!) to share a few things that I’ve been enjoying this week. Today is about feeling more like myself and (what else?) books.

I Have More Energy Lately

these sunflowers are from 2020, but are perky like me (right now)

I felt like a giant slug this fall and winter. I had such a hard time getting the basics done, much less exercising. But a couple of months ago I made an effort to make sure I was getting enough fiber and (plant based) iron and it, along with the lengthening of the days and fewer illnesses in our home, has made a big difference in my energy levels.

After about 9 months of the blahs, I am finally feeling like myself! But that time of rest was helpful too. It allowed me to see that I don’t have to do as much as I was doing before. I might even be a little happier if I take things just a little more slowly now and then. And that’s a good thing!

A New-To-Me Author That I’m Loving

I’ve mentioned previously that I decided to tackle The Priory of the Orange Tree this summer, despite being intimidated by its length and my lack of knowledge about the author. Well, it was a very good choice! I’m nearly at the 80% mark and it’s hard to put it down. Dragons! Lore! Warriors! Alchemy! Loyalty! Succession! The plot is difficult for me to describe but it’s been an enjoyable ride.

I’m reading this on Kindle but almost always have my laptop propped open beside me to take notes in my Notion reading journal. There are so many characters and places that it took me about half the book to get them and their motivations straight in my mind. The plot is intricate and carefully created; the writing is lush and beautiful. I am so excited I decided to explore Samantha Shannon this summer and am looking forward to reading more of her work!

A Stack of Library Books

This is my current stack of library books: a combination of the Women’s Prize shortlist, the Paperback Summer Reading Guide, and some buzzy books I’ve been hoping to get through (the top book is my planner, not a book!). The truth is that I’ll be lucky if I’m able to read even half of them, because many are interlibrary loans that are almost due to be returned. I was so excited to read them all when I put in the requests, but then realized that my reading attention is simply elsewhere right now. And I’m very happy that I chose to borrow these books and not buy them! Maybe next summer I’ll be more open to prize books and literary fiction again, but that’s just not where I am right now. And that’s okay!

This weekend includes working at the library and in the garden. I’m also hoping for time to read and do some hand sewing on the couch. I hope your weekend is full of exactly what you need – take good care!

22 thoughts on “Full of Joy Friday | Last Day of May!

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  1. I’m so glad you feel like yourself again, Katie. What a difference that makes! So wise to make choices that align, set a pace that fuels (vs. drains). Sounds like you have a weekend ahead that will do just that. Enjoy ♥


  2. I was having coffee at a bookstore yesterday and those Samantha Shannan books were on the shelf behind my friend. I kept thinking about you and now I know why!


  3. I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better and more like yourself. I think I do a fair amount of hibernating in the winter, for obvious reasons, but the darkness also gets to me and nothing perks me up quite like spring sunshine.

    That’s a truly impressive stack of library books. I hope you’re able to get through a good number of them before they’re due back!


    1. Thank you, Sarah! I totally think the sunshine is helping me too.

      And sadly, I think most of those are destined to be returned to the library unread. And that’s okay — there are more where those came from! 😂


  4. So glad to read this, Katie — glad for you! And I look forward to hearing your thoughts about James. I read it fairly recently and it is with me still. Such a creative and eye-opening novel.


  5. I’ve missed you here and am just delighted every time I see a post in my feed … and one about summer reading is even better! Love your stack – the three I’ve read – James, Elena Knows, and Brotherless Night were all favorites. and I have Soldier Sailor and The Wedding on my June list. Yay for energy AND for summer reading!!


    1. Thank you, Mary! Elena Knows, sadly, went back yesterday unread. BUT! I started (and finished!) Soldier Sailor today and have started James as well. LOVED Soldier Sailor — so emotional and real and un-put-downable. I’m hoping to start River East, River West after James because it’s due back next week!


  6. Hooray for fewer illnesses and for small changes that help you feel better! I also like your attitude about the book stack. You can always get those books again when you’re in the mood for them. Or not! And it’s fine.


    1. Hooray, indeed! One of the BEST things about working at the library is that I can request my own ILLs now, so I don’t have to feel too bad when I have to request something a second time!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better. Yes to not trying to do it all and realizing we can still be in a good place. Library books are so inviting, it’s hard not to bring them all home.


  8. I am glad you seemed to have turned the corner health-wise, Katie! These inching into summer days will help as well! I love the lengthening days, the sun… and yes, even summery rain! And that library stack… well, it will be available again… so no worries over it either! XO


  9. I always feel that way in winter, it really gets me down. As soon as the weather warms up and the sun shines I have a huge burst of energy and creativity again. I’m so glad to hear that you have your reading motivation back again! Of your library stack, I highly recommend reading Soldier Sailor before you have to return it. It is the most accurate and most beautiful portrayal of motherhood that I have ever read.


    1. Isn’t it wild how helpful a little sunshine is?! I started AND finished Soldier Sailor today and totally agree with you – it is amazing. It is my favorite of the Women’s Prize shortlist (so far)!


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