Digital Minimalism Update

In February and March I wrote two posts on my efforts to minimize the digital distractions in my life, Digital Minimalism and Digital Minimalism Revisited. I'd just finished the book by Cal Newport of the same name and was inspired to cut out the mindless distractions of my life. Since then, I've continued to stay... Continue Reading →

Slow Down

I'm a stay at home mom now. It's something that I've wanted for over 5 years, but it was still a really hard decision to make. I heard a phrase on The Next Right Thing that resonated with me, "all the arrows weren't pointing in the same direction" -- and that was exactly it. I... Continue Reading →

A Child’s Special Needs

I haven't written a lot about a major challenge in our home. Mostly because it's overwhelming and scary and so hard to describe. Also because I don't want to say anything that will violate the privacy of my children and make anyone uncomfortable one day. But I think it's time to be more honest and... Continue Reading →

Where to Find Inspiration

In January I wrote about my intention to get walking every day. I failed. Miserably. I still haven't gone on a single walk. I tried one day but the trails were solid ice and I worried about falling with the baby in the carrier, even with spikes on my shoes. I sort of gave up... Continue Reading →

An Artist’s Date… to the Feed Store

The snow has finally melted back enough for the crocuses to start poking through the ground! It's going to be a cold week, but those tender looking stalks are actually quite tough, so they'll be fine. The pussy willow hasn't started fuzzing yet, but I can't wait to clip some of those sweet little branches... Continue Reading →

Keeping Focus

We're nearly a quarter of the way through the year and it seems like everyone is taking stock of their blog goals - our original intentions versus what we've created as a result of our real lives. I don't know about you, but I feel adrift. I thought my goals for this year were simple:... Continue Reading →

About Time

I wasn't planning on writing this morning, but my WordPress Reader was full of inspirational writing posts (thank you!), so here I am. The floors are covered in books and blocks, little fuzzies, and bread crusts, which is what I should be attending to. But my biggest bear is playing make believe and wants to... Continue Reading →

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