Surrender | December 2022

This is my last check-in with Surrender! Like all of you - I am totally shocked that the year is ending. How did that happen? How have I written twelve of these updates? If you're interested, you can see all twelve here. And if you hover on "Word of the Year" above, you can read... Continue Reading →

Surrender | November 2022

Welcome back! I hope all of my friends in the States had a wonderful Thanksgiving last week. We had a lovely spread on Thursday that lasted us through the weekend. What an excess! And totally worthwhile. Now I'm feeling rejuvenated and ready to check in with my one little word for the year. As always... Continue Reading →

Surrender | October 2022

Happy Halloween! I can't believe it's the last day of October - my most anticipated month! And it has been a picture-perfect October, hasn't it? I couldn't have been happier with the foliage or the weather. But I'm here today to talk about how I've been engaging with my word of the year this month.... Continue Reading →

Surrender | September 2022

It feels strange saying goodbye to September today because there's still a few more days left! But it's the last Monday of the month and I'm joining Carolyn and my fellow bloggers in our monthly reflection on our One Little Word. Thank you, Carolyn, for being such a gracious and generous host! September has felt... Continue Reading →

Surrender | August 2022

If you can believe it, today is the last Monday in August so I'm here to check in with my word of the year, Surrender. Thank you to Carolyn for hosting this merry band of One Little Worders. She does such a beautiful job of creating a space for us to gather and to encourage... Continue Reading →

Surrender | July 2022

July! The seventh month of 2022 is nearing its end. There are only 5 more One Little Word Updates left for Surrender. I can't believe it. The monthly check-ins that Carolyn hosts keep me on track with this little endeavor of mine and I'm so thankful for her! Please be sure to visit her blog... Continue Reading →

Surrender | June 2022

I know I must say it every month, but I can't believe it's the last week of June. Wasn't I just sitting down to write May's One Little Word post? It certainly feels like it, but nope - June has already flown right by us. Thank you to Carolyn for hosting these monthly linkups, because... Continue Reading →

Surrender | May 2022

I'm here to check in with my One Little Word, Surrender. Thank you to Carolyn for hosting these monthly checkins. I love having this gentle accountability to keep my word in the forefront of my life. Today I'm writing about my emotional response to the shootings in Uvalde, TX. I'm letting you know here in... Continue Reading →

Surrender | April 2022

April is nearing its end! What a month. I'm flipping back through my notebook to remember some of the highlights. It was simply a delightful one: full of friends, writing, good books (oh, the good books!!), time outside, and the anticipation of a new season. Now I'm ready to settle in and think about my... Continue Reading →

Surrender | March 2022

March has simply whooshed right by me. It feels like I was just sitting down to write my One Little Word update for February and here I am again! Thank you to Carolyn for hosting this monthly linkup. Having a check-in on a regular basis keeps this process alive for me and I'm endlessly thankful... Continue Reading →

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