The Great War | Bookish Serendipity

Happy Friday, friends! I am stealing a couple of minutes this morning to spend some time with my blog. The skies have been gray and I have been feeling particularly tired (more on that another day) and blog writing almost always recharges my batteries. So I have a cup of tea at my side, Yo-Yo... Continue Reading →

Goodbye 2023; Hello 2024!

Happy New Year! We spent last night by the fire pit and it was wonderful. Of course, I was asleep well before midnight and was happy to wake up to a fresh new year this morning. French toast, a fresh loaf of sourdough bread, and a batch of sourdough biscuits warmed up the kitchen and... Continue Reading →

September 2023 Reading Review

Happy Monday, friends! I hope your weekend went well. We had a quiet weekend; we stayed close to home, ate from the crockpot, and enjoyed a couple of evenings around the fire pit. The temperature is getting quite cool in the morning and evening but the sun is strong and is keeping the house warm... Continue Reading →

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