Top 10 Tuesday – Top Books of 2017

Today I’m linking up with The Broke and the Bookish to share my Top 10 books of 2017.  I’m going to focus on the books that I’ve read so far this year and instead of ten books, I’m going to share my five favorites of the year.

They are in the order that I read them, not ranked by favorites.  I’m not sure if I could rank them, to be honest!  My end of year wrap up is going to be challenging, that’s for sure!  Have you read any of them?  Does my list make you want to recommend something to me?  Recommendations are always welcome!!

  1. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead (link to my review; link to Amazon)
  2. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara (link to my review; link to Amazon)
  3. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (link to my review; link to Amazon)
  4. The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishaguro (link to my review; link to Amazon)
  5. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (link to my review; link to Amazon)

46 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday – Top Books of 2017

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    1. Thanks for sharing your link, Brona! Was your favorite book of 2015 The Buried Giant??

      I don’t blame you about putting aside A Little Life – it’s such a difficult read. And the misery just doesn’t stop so it’s a lot to take in.

      It wouldn’t hurt to give Big Magic a shot to help pull you out of your rut! But ruts come and go, so I’m sure you’ll find a way out of it either way 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing your link, Brona! Was your favorite book of 2015 The Buried Giant??

      I don’t blame you about putting aside A Little Life – it’s such a difficult read. And the misery just doesn’t stop so it’s a lot to take in.

      It wouldn’t hurt to give Big Magic a shot to help pull you out of your rut! But ruts come and go, so I’m sure you’ll find a way out of it either way 🙂

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    1. A Little Life is so wrenching! My advice is to read it during the summer months when you have lots of sunshine to counteract the gloom within the pages!


    1. A Little Life is so wrenching! My advice is to read it during the summer months when you have lots of sunshine to counteract the gloom within the pages!


    1. I hope you enjoy The Buried Giant! And I’m glad that you’ve had a chance to read The Underground Railroad – I think it should be required reading for everyone!!


    1. I hope you enjoy The Buried Giant! And I’m glad that you’ve had a chance to read The Underground Railroad – I think it should be required reading for everyone!!


    1. Ahhh! I can’t wait until you get to read The Underground Railroad. So, so good! And I hope you get around to The Buried Giant – I just loved it! Thanks for stopping by 🙂


    1. Ahhh! I can’t wait until you get to read The Underground Railroad. So, so good! And I hope you get around to The Buried Giant – I just loved it! Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  1. Underground Railway is on my wishlist (along with a ton of other books). I loved Kazuo Ishiguro’s Remains of the Day so I’m tempted by The Buried Giant although it sounds very different. But he is a great writer so I should probably give it a try. Great, varied list.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Remains of the Day is on my TBR – thank you for sharing that you loved it, Cathy! I’m going to have to bump it up. I can’t compare The Buried Giant to any other Ishiguro novel, but I can almost guarantee that it was very different! Some people have found it a bit too slow and boring, and I can see how people felt that way. But it was just strange enough to keep me interested and there was such an undercurrent to it that it just kept dragging me along. It was so good!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Underground Railway is on my wishlist (along with a ton of other books). I loved Kazuo Ishiguro’s Remains of the Day so I’m tempted by The Buried Giant although it sounds very different. But he is a great writer so I should probably give it a try. Great, varied list.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Remains of the Day is on my TBR – thank you for sharing that you loved it, Cathy! I’m going to have to bump it up. I can’t compare The Buried Giant to any other Ishiguro novel, but I can almost guarantee that it was very different! Some people have found it a bit too slow and boring, and I can see how people felt that way. But it was just strange enough to keep me interested and there was such an undercurrent to it that it just kept dragging me along. It was so good!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! To be honest, I still haven’t read anything else by either of those authors, but I loved both of these books. And now I want to read everything else they’ve written!


    1. Yes! To be honest, I still haven’t read anything else by either of those authors, but I loved both of these books. And now I want to read everything else they’ve written!


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