Nest | 2024

Good morning, friends! It's been quite a while since I've gotten up super early to write a blog post and I won't bore you with all the details about why, but it feels good to be at my desk this morning with a hot cup of coffee and a semi-quiet house. I never know how... Continue Reading →

Less | October 2023

Hello out there! This is my first blog post since October 9th, which is the longest I've gone without an update since 2016. Yikes! It seems like I took my word of the year to heart in October and coped with the outrageous month by narrowing my focus so tightly that it didn't include my... Continue Reading →

Less | September 2023

And wow! It's the last week of September. I'm sure you're all as shocked as I am. I'm here today to write about my word of the year, Less. Today's post is a little different and doesn't include a reflection from September. Instead, it's an effort to look ahead to October. Will you cheer me... Continue Reading →

Less | August 2024

Wow - It's time for another One Little Word post! Thank you to Carolyn for hosting this monthly gathering. It's funny how quickly August flew by this year while it has always dragged for me in the past. Simultaneously, July feels like a lifetime ago! I had to go back into my archives to even... Continue Reading →

Less | July 2023

Good morning! It is 52*F as I'm typing this post this morning. I know we haven't seen the end of the summer weather yet but I'm relishing the crisp air while I can. So I'm wrapped up in my Ramble shawl, sipping a hot cup of coffee, and waiting for the birds to wake up.... Continue Reading →

Less | A Pause

This post is a little overdue. I chose to spend my weekend writing time with my nose in a couple of books so I woke up on Monday morning with no plan for this update. In fact, I've pulled back from blogging for most of the week. It's been a wonderful little break and a... Continue Reading →

Less | A Month of Action

It's the last week of May and I'm starting it off with an update on my word of the year: Less. I've been focusing on embracing doing less and giving myself a little grace for the last few months, but began the year with the mantra less clutter, less spending, less waste. I circled back... Continue Reading →

Less | April Vacation

Welcome to the last week of April, if you can believe it! I hope your weekend treated you well; we spent most of Saturday playing outside but it rained all day yesterday and it's forecasted to continue most of the week.* The rain presents a special challenge because it's school vacation week, so I'm thinking... Continue Reading →

Less | A Knitting Lesson

It's the last Monday of the month, which means Carolyn is hosting an official one little word link-up! Be sure to visit her and the other bloggers sharing their words this week -- it's always a treat to read everyone's progress. I've been writing about my own word a lot this year, but this entry... Continue Reading →

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