Bookish Confessions: I Lied to My Librarian

I lied to my librarian last week and feel like a horrible human being. Here’s the story.

I was on the state-wide waiting list for Michelle Obama’s new book, Becoming, and the length of the list was incredible. I’d noticed that my library hadn’t yet added the book to their catalog, so I sent an email request for it. They are wonderfully sweet readers and let me know that they ordered the book but it hadn’t arrived yet and I would be the first person on the waiting list. I took myself off the state-wide waiting list right away. When they called to let me know that it was in, I was overjoyed and stopped on my way home from work that very day!

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But…. it was right in the midst of the holidays – I was getting the house ready for guests, getting the food prepared to be eaten, and doing the million other things that I do every day for three little monsters and one big man. Before I knew it, my two weeks with the book was up and Michelle’s husband had only just won the presidency – which meant I had over 100 pages unread. I tried to renew it online but couldn’t because there was someone on the waiting list.

With a heavy heart, I returned it to the library.

“Oh, Katie! How was it?” I froze. I was shocked that the librarian was asking me about it, even though I shouldn’t have been. We’ve become friendly since I moved into town five years ago. I couldn’t bear to tell this sweet woman that I couldn’t finish a single book in two weeks, given that I’ve had periods of time when I had a much higher finishing record!

So I lied. Without even realizing that I was going to do it, “oh my gosh! It was so good!” came gushing out of my mouth. I was devastated because I knew couldn’t take the words back once I’d said them out loud, right? (Where was that PAUSE, I wonder??) I could have been honest – “life has been crazy, I wasn’t able to finish it!” – but I was too embarrassed. WHY??! Life HAS been crazy. I can barely wash the dishes without twelve interruptions, why can’t I just be honest that I can’t seem to finish books with any haste lately?

And now, because of my lie, I know that I can’t check out this book from my public library anymore. I will be caught! So I returned home, crest-fallen and eaten alive by my lie, and added myself back to the state-wide wait list. As of this writing, I am #377 on the list. If I would have been honest, I probably could have been added to a much shorter waiting list to get the book back. But alas – I am now, officially, a liar.

How about you? Have you ever lied to your librarian? Or please – share your biggest, JUICIEST bookish lie. Help me feel better!

8 thoughts on “Bookish Confessions: I Lied to My Librarian

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  1. Wow, what a vile lie. I am shocked and dismayed!

    AND I believe you’ve just proven yourself qualified to be President. Was that your plan all along? Using Michelle Obama’s book as the prop in your smooth move was sheer genius.

    If not President, surely you are in line for a Cabinet appointment. And no worries, I’m thinking that your elevation will come long before your name comes up on that State-wide waiting list.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha – I absolutely do not have what it takes to run for any sort of public office. I get too flustered when other people say things that make no sense! But… I have no problem saying things that make no sense myself, so maybe I should reconsider??

      Anyway – you didn’t share any of your own recent fibs! :p


  2. Does it count as a lie if you swear to the (super friendly, nice) librarian (who trusts you bc she knows you) that you returned a book, that you REMEMBER returning a book (bc you are 90% sure you did) even though it’s still on your ‘checked out’ list…..

    ……only to move three months later and find it behind your bookshelf?

    I am still mortified.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my gosh. That sounds awful!! Did you ever return it?? I think I would have, but in the night dropbox and I wouldn’t show my face for a few months.


      1. I did. I actually wrapped it up, included a ‘im so sorry’ note and dropped it in the drop box. It helped that I dropped it off THE NIGHT that I was moving, so I’ve never had to go back there….

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