Hello From the Other Side

Hi Friends! It’s been a while since I’ve written – eek! If you’ve been following me for a while, you might have noticed that I go through phases. At times I’m reading like a fiend – other times? Not so much. When I’m not reading, I’m usually doing something like knitting or quilting — which I’ve been doing a LOT of!

I wanted to write today to catch up on what I HAVE been reading. It’s been mostly light stuff, so I won’t have a ton to say about anything, but for the sake of keeping up to date, I’ll do the best I can!

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert – I waited on the Overdrive list for this one for a long time, and I’m so glad that I didn’t give up on it!  It was incredibly motivating – she talks about her unique ideas about where inspiration comes from and to just go with it!  So wonderful.

Winter by Marissa Meyer – this one is a a part of The Lunar Chronicles – a sci-fi retelling of classic fairy tales.  Winter is “Snow White” and the other characters are trying to save her from the Evil Queen.  This wasn’t the first book in the series, so I’m regretting that I read them out of order.  I’m on the list for the first one – Cinder, which is about, you guessed it!  Cinderella.  These are wicked fun though … Kind of Firefly: The Complete Series meets Disney.

A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Novel and I Am Half-Sick of Shadows (Flavia de Luce Mystery, Book 4) by Alan Bradley – these are both Flavia de Luce stories.  Have you read any Flavia?  She is a young girl living in a decrepit old mansion in a small english village with her father and two sisters.  She is incredibly precocious – obsessed by science and murders.  She sometimes gets into trouble along the way, but always seems to help solve the mystery.  I listened to both of these on audio while I was sewing and they were perfect for that.

And that’s it!  Not too much to speak of, but I’ve been doing a better of job of not beating myself up over it.  I know that my reading mojo will return at some point and my sewing/knitting mojo will be gone.  I’m just trying to do as much of what I can WHEN I can and be happy with that.

One weird thing that I’ve noticed is that I’m much happier when I’m on a sewing/knitting kick than a reading kick.  When I’m trying to read a lot, I feel like I’m at such a disadvantage – I’m not a well trained reader and I feel like I missed a lot growing up.  I’m much more confident in my knitting/sewing, so I don’t really feel as though I don’t add up.

I will post an update on my crafting accomplishments soon.  And I have so much to catch up on in the book blogging world, be patient with me!


6 thoughts on “Hello From the Other Side

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  1. I have read Flavia. Those are fun reads.

    I look forward to seeing your crafting exploits! I’m jealous – I don’t know how to do anything like that!

    What’s a well-trained reader? I’m asking honestly – I don’t know that I’m a well-trained reader myself. I just love to read. Where I struggle is in the writing of the reviews. Sometimes I feel myself comparing my blogging abilities with other bloggers – in terms of output and also review length/depth, etc. But then I have to tell myself that the main reason I write about a book is that I want to convey my feelings about it, and usually that means that I want others to pick it up. (I rarely write negative reviews, just because my blogging time is limited anyway – why waste time with negative?) Anyway, I feel like I enjoy your blog posts about books, and you shouldn’t feel bad about “training,” just go with your gut and tell us how you feel. You write lovely reviews!

    That’s my two cents. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww.. thanks! When I say well trained reader, I’m always thinking about what I’ve missed in a book. If there’s a lot of symbolism or other writing techniques, they often go way over my head! And I think that shows when I’m writing reviews. Also – sometimes I don’t remember a lot of what I’ve read, even if I’ve only just finished it!

      I love your reviews too. And I love your comments – they are always so positive and inclusive! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have read Flavia. Those are fun reads.

    I look forward to seeing your crafting exploits! I’m jealous – I don’t know how to do anything like that!

    What’s a well-trained reader? I’m asking honestly – I don’t know that I’m a well-trained reader myself. I just love to read. Where I struggle is in the writing of the reviews. Sometimes I feel myself comparing my blogging abilities with other bloggers – in terms of output and also review length/depth, etc. But then I have to tell myself that the main reason I write about a book is that I want to convey my feelings about it, and usually that means that I want others to pick it up. (I rarely write negative reviews, just because my blogging time is limited anyway – why waste time with negative?) Anyway, I feel like I enjoy your blog posts about books, and you shouldn’t feel bad about “training,” just go with your gut and tell us how you feel. You write lovely reviews!

    That’s my two cents. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww.. thanks! When I say well trained reader, I’m always thinking about what I’ve missed in a book. If there’s a lot of symbolism or other writing techniques, they often go way over my head! And I think that shows when I’m writing reviews. Also – sometimes I don’t remember a lot of what I’ve read, even if I’ve only just finished it!

      I love your reviews too. And I love your comments – they are always so positive and inclusive! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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